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Jodidio, Philip
Zaha Hadid. Complete Works 1979Today
2022 .; -: TASCHEN

Zaha Hadid was a revolutionary architect. For years, she was widely acclaimed and won numerous prizes despite building practically nothing. Some even said her work was simply impossible to build. Yet, during the latter years of her life, Hadid's daring vi...


:     3000 

Jodidio, Philip
Ando. Complete Works 1975Today
2019 .; -: TASCHEN

Discover the completely unique aesthetic of Tadao Ando, the only architect ever to have won the discipline's four most prestigious prizes: the Pritzker, Carlsberg, Praemium Imperiale, and Kyoto Prize. Philippe Starck defines him as a "mystic in a count...


:     3000 


: , Рябухин, В.И.

   8 15161718192021  28

 (Strauss), .: Walce na fortepiano 
:  600 
(Strauss), .
Walce na fortepiano. 2
1954 .; -: Krakov: Polske wydawnictwo muzyczne
. 10 .

, ..:   .   
:  8000 
, ..
. . 2
2017 .; -:
- , - - , I. ...

[ ]: Caspani Tino: Encyclopaedia of the Italian furniture 
:   1100 
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Caspani Tino: Encyclopaedia of the Italian furniture. 3
2011 .; -: Caspani Tino
Caspani Tino. . : , , , .. ...

. , .:  . XX .    
:  8000 
. , .
. XX . . 3
2007-2009 .; -: .:
, XX , . ...

. , ..: , 7  
:   400 
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, 7 . 2
1979-1985 .; -: i: i
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:  800 
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. 3
1968-1970 .; -: .:

, : .    . . .  
:  8000 
. . . . . 2
2016 .; -:
, . . (18581928) . 1900 1905 , . ...

. , ..; , ..: "   ..."     , , , . 1914 - 2014 
:   5900 
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" ..." , , , . 1914 - 2014. 2
2014 .; -:
" ..." . - .. , ...

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:  29999 
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2014 .; -: :
. . (1749-1832) "" . , , , , ...

, :      2-  
:  17000 
2- . 2
2005 .; -:
X XVI . . ...

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:  2880 
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2016 .; -: :
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:  2500 
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2016 .; -: .: - XXI
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